Administrative and Management Function
01.Management function:The most important administrative functions of the manager include planning,organizing,staffing,directing communicating,controlling,coordinating and motivating,The office manager must organize the office on modern lines for the efficient and effective performance.
02.Development of office systems and procedures: All the jobs in the office are interrelated and interdependent.As such an office must provide better services to interrelated departments.For a smooth flow of work,development of office system and procedures is essential.
03.Form designing and control: Form are the basic tools for all types of office work.There are many operations which can be systematized with the use of printed forms.Besides the use of the form saves time and energy at every operation.Information can be collected,recorded,or processed systematically and effectively with the help of office forms.Therefore,it is the task of the management to design and to control the forms.
04.Selection and purchase of office appliances:The office manager must purchase the appropriate machines, equipment or furniture for the office.Office work requires adequate equipment,machines and furniture and they must be maintained properly for the efficient working order.Appliances must be selected for full and proper uses.They must be suitable for the purpose.They must be simple in operation and maintenance.They must be flexible and adaptable to different uses.The cost and benefit must be compared when the appliances are purchased.
05.Personnel functions:The personnel function is performed by the personnel department.It is assisted by the office.It recruits and selects the personnel.It places them in different jobs in the office.For the efficient performance of the basic functions of the office,provision of adequate and trained staff is necessary.The staff must get reasonable salary.Staff must be properly motivated to achieve the best performance.
06.Controlling office costs: Office costs may be controlled by using machines in the office,using labor saving devices and adopting improved methods of management.
07.Maintenance of records: This is secondary function of an office.Copied of all the correspondence must be retained for further reference.Form a business firm,a number of letters go out daily and a which the replies are received,and if the copies of the original letters against which the replies have been received,are not available,the decision cannot be taken wisely.Therefore all the records must be maintained through proper filing system and preserved for number of years.Certain documents need not be kept for more than a year while certain documents have to kept for a number of years.
08.Planning schemes and policies: In the present stage,production is always in anticipation of demand.Therefore for a manufacturing concern,it has become essential to plan the activities of the concern for the future period.One cannot take a decision or plan unless one goes into the previous records and relevant statistical data,studies the present market trends,and takes decisions on basis of all information of the past period.When a proper plan has been chalked out,it will be adopted as a policy.Planning and policies will be good.when they have been drown out carefully with the help of the office,through collecting and processing information.
09.Safeguarding the assets: The job of an office is not only extended from the receipt of information to the supply of processed information,but also to take care of various assets.To keep the record of customers (debtors) and keep the management to be informed of about the doubtful debts so that necessary steps may be taken to prevent the occurrence of bad debts.
Books of accounts of all type (personal,real and nominal) are to be kept regularly.Among them the most important are fixed assets plant,machinery,fixtures,buildings and current assets goods,stationery,debtors,bills receivable,cash in hand,cash at bank,etc.All these are the properties of the concern and the office must arrange to protect and safeguard the assets against destruction,damage,loss by theft,fire etc.The management must be informed of all types of misappropriation matters so that its occurrence will be prevented in future through investigations.
10.Public relations: Public relations signify the relations of a business organization with the general public,usually through the distribution of information.Public relations guide business enterprise.Public relation are guided by public opinions.
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