Changing Office Scene III
It is generally seen,in commercial offices,there are some persons to receive information,process them (made understandable in form) and supply the processed to the management.Doing so,can be called clerical job.Clerical job includes correspondence (tocollect information or clarify the information received) serving (filling),typing,book-keeping,handling of money it is confirmed that an efficient management of the organization helps the managers or executives to formulate planning,organizing,controlling and supervising the activities of a business concern.Prompt and accurate decision depend upon timely information.
An office is a place to record the information for the purposes of control through collection(of information) handled and serviced and where the control mechanism for a business is located-paper work is to attain an aimed result.One must give importance to the office function rather than to the place.An office is a place of paper processing and memory center for all its departments.In office,policies and ideas are formulated through collection and analysis of obtained information.An office maintains all these records.And these ready made,scrutinized and processed information are made available to the management to attain the best result.On the other hand,if the office supplies incomplete,wrong,misleading or delayed information,decisions taken on these defective pieces of information,are bound to be wrong.In small firms,the proprietor himself dose all the jobs,but in large and complex firms,the proprietor or the Board of Directors alone cannot run the concern.Therefore,the office is there to assist the management in their day-to-day business.The office is the servant of the management.
Most of the definitions underline "paper work done" at a particular place as the main and perhaps the only function of an office.However, today the world "office" is used in a broader sense.The modern approach to the study of an office is to view it as a function instead of a certain place.When it is taken as a function,the office can plan,organize,direct,control and coordinate the office work wherever it is done and whosoever dose it.But if it is restricted to a certain place only, it will not cover the work which by its nature is office work,but is done outside the boundaries of that place.Therefore,the term 'office' should be used broadly to represent the functions which it performs rather than the place where they are performed.
In a business organization,the chief executive and his management team cannot deal personally with all the communications and cannot remember all the facts connected with it.There,the office comes to their rescue by providing with relevant facts and figures on the basis of which the management exercises its managerial functions of planning ,co-ordination and control.According to Leffingwell and Robinson "A well organized office makes it possible for the management to plan its operations intelligently,to put its plans into effect surely, to follow their progress currently,to determine their effectiveness promptly,to appraise the results without delay and to co-ordinate all the activities of the business."
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